What's On in Lyme Regis  Your  Guide to Events and Organisations


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 ~~On the Sea ~~

~ Boat Building~ Boat Trips  ~ Crabbing ~ Diving  ~ Fishing ~ Gig Rowing  ~ Kayaking   ~ Launching & Harbour Fees ~ Sailing  ~ Stand Up Paddleboarding   ~ Surfing ~ Tides ~ Windsurfing ~ Wind ~ Weather ~


~ By the Sea ~


Covid 19 restrictions apply to ALL activities by the sea

Harbour Master:  Mr James Radcliffe,
The Cobb, Lyme Regis, DT7 3JJ

Tel 01297 442137
Mobile: 07870 240645
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Boat owners trailing their boats to launch in Lyme Harbour
Are strongly advised to have a braked trailer
and a safety chain linking trailer to tow hitch.


Sign on Victoria Pier


       Lyme Regis
Sea Angling Club

Lyme Regis Sea Angling Club is a family-friendly sea fishing club. We run competitions and matches throughout the year for both adults and juniors. These are a great place to learn to fish, as well as get tips and advice from the more experienced anglers. Club members get a 10% discount on tackle and supplies from The Tackle Box shop, as well as a reduced fee on participating charter boats on competition days.  You can join the club at any time.  To join, simply pop into The Tackle Box shop in Marine Parade, (opposite the rear of the Harbour Inn) Lyme Regis.  You can find out all about the club at our website: www.lymefishing.org.uk

Fishing supplies, trips and competitions
 The Tackle Box20 Marine Parade DT7 3JF  www.lymetackle.com

Fishing / Pleasure Boat Trips
from Victoria Pier, The Cobb

 1-hr mackerel fishing trips
  all gear provided), a private scenic trip (by arrangement with skipper) or deep sea fishing trips (from 3 hrs to all day). Vessels carry required safety equipment.  Choose from the following boats:

Marie F
Francis Jane
Silver Spirit
Susie B

Family Friendly

                   Fishing & Boat Trips

Lyme Regis

Call Nick or Matt

0797 479 6002

One Hour Mackerel Fishing

3 Hours Rod Fishing






One Hour Mackerel Trips: 
Three Hours Deep Sea Fishing Trips
with Harry May

for more details or to
pre-book your trip:

Phone Harry on 07974 753287;  see
Mackerel Fishing
or email harry@harrymay.com or see him on the harbour side at the Cobb (Victoria Pier if the tide is out)


Deep Sea Fishing
Amaretto IV
Alice Rose
Silver Spirit
Marie F
Francis Jane

Blue Turtle Dive Charter
Seasearch is a project for volunteer sports divers who have an interest in what they're seeing under water, want to learn more and want to help protect the marine environment around the coasts of Britain and Ireland. 
No Fishing
Lyme Rib Rides

Lyme Bay Rib Charter
Take an exhilarating trip to West Bay


Guided boat trips into Lyme Bay

led by Marinelife guides: MARINElife have joined forces with Naturetrek to offer guided pelagic trips into Lyme Bay and off Portland in Dorset to look for whales, dolphins and seabirds.   http://www.marine-life.org.uk contact David Shute at Naturetrek on 01962 733051.
Own the boat not the hassle
Lyme Bay Ribs Ltd

Tel  01297 446044,  07715 237247
Lyme Bay Ribs


Emergency Numbers
Coastguard/RNLI:  999
Harbour Master:  07870 240645


Boating/Sailing Clubs/Tuition


Lyme Regis Sailing Club
Marine Parade
Lyme Regis Sailing Club is situated next to the harbour at the foot of Cobb Hill. The well equipped clubhouse has a bar, galley, male and female changing facilities with showers, and a sun deck which overlooks the harbour and sea. The Club is open to all who desire to sail or who have an interest in the sport. For further information please contact the Club Secretary 01297 442373 or visit  www.lymeregissailingclub.com


Lyme Regis Sea School

is an RYA Recognised Training Centre offering sailing tuition to both adults & children. It is annually inspected and abides by all the requirements of the regulatory body. Safety at all times is the first priority and all instructors are fully trained.  For further details contact the principal, Chris Joyner on 01297 442644 or visit the Sea School website www.lrss.org.uk  


Stand Up Paddle Board Lessons
 also surf, windsurf, kayak, kitesurf.

from April to September
see Boylos Watersports,
3 Marine Parade DT7 3JH or Tel 01297 444222


Kayak Hire

The Tackle Box20 Marine ParadeDT7 3JF www.lymekayakhire.com/


Lyme Regis Powerboat Club
Monmouth Beach www.lrpbc.co.uk

Lyme Regis Gig Club 
Monmouth Beach
Gig Club Launch


Fishermen's & Boatmen's College
Seagoing and safety training at sea and on land steve.jurassic@yahoo.co.uk


Lyme Regis Boat Building Academy
Monmouth Beach
 Boat Building Academy Launch Day
Large or small - they build them all:
Launch Days twice a year - June & November

 Axe Yacht Club
Activities afloat for young and old on the Axe estuary and further afield


A Great Range of Clothing & Equipment for the Watersports Enthusiast

Whether sailing, kayaking, SUPing or just going to the beach we offer
Sailing Clothing & Accessories;
Dinghy Chandlery; Wetsuits and advice

We’re a family-run business based locally see:


Unit 14, Millwey Rise Industrial Estate, Axminster, Devon, EX13 5HU


Marine Services

Rob Perry Marine  01297 631314
Mobile Marine Engineers Ltd
Boat Sales and Repairs, Servicing and Storage


Lloyd Boots Marine/automotive engineer
07731 813116 or 01404 831175
email lloyd.boots@btinternet.com

The Wright Way Boat Cleaning & Sales
Not enough time to clean your Boat? 
Cabin Valet, Topsides Polish/Finishing,
Hull Rewax/Anti-foul. Reliable, competitive rates.  
Amanda Wright: boatcleaner100@gmail.com  
694917 www.boatcleaner4u.co.uk


Christian Skeels
Boatbuilder, renovation and repair work 07715 748755
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Weather/Wind/Surf  & Tide Forecasts
Lyme Regis Tide Times
Sun 30th Mar 2025
Tide Time Height




 Inshore Waters Forecast
Shipping forecast
Lyme Regis Weather BBC
Weymouth & Lyme Bay
 BBC Forecast
Lyme Regis Wind & Weather XC
Lyme Regis Front Beach: weather & tides
Passage Weather
Weather forecasts for sailors and adventurers
All you need to know about tide times and heights around the coast
Surf at Lyme Regis
Bathing Water Quality
Bathing water quality Wessex Water
Lyme Regis Tide Times
Sun 30th Mar 2025
Tide Time Height





Lyme Regis Lifeboat Station News

Royal National Lifeboat Institute

Royal Yachting Association
Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance
British Sub Aqua Club
Stolen Boats.org.uk
Cowes Week now stages up to 40 daily races for around a thousand boats and is the largest regatta of its kind in the world.

If you go out on a boat ask   yourself these questions

* If I fall overboard, how do I get back on the boat?

* If I can’t get back on the boat (have I used my kill cord or is the boat motoring away from me?) how do I raise the alarm?

A VHF radio is essential, don’t rely on a mobile phone. The MAIB would advise the use of a personal locator beacon (PLB). When activated it sends out an immediate distress alert that will mobilise the emergency services.


Following key safety advice will keep people safe and help to reduce the demands placed on RNLI lifeboat crews, HM Coastguard and other emergency services.

That is why parents are now being urged to take charge and be ‘beach smart’ if they visit the coast to ensure they and their families have the safest summer possible, whether lifeguards are patrolling their beach or not.

Claire Hughes, director of HM Coastguard said:
We know from sad experience that whether you’re local or nor, whatever your ability of experience in your chosen sport or leisure activity, the sea can still catch you out and be unmerciful when it does. Now, more than ever we need people to respect the sea and the coast.

If you get into trouble call 999 and ask for the Coastguard and we will come to your aid. But coronavirus hasn’t gone away, and we all need to follow the rules. Remember your choices might put people, including yourself and frontline responders, at risk. Take extra care in these extraordinary times.’


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

ith beach lifeguard patrols significantly reduced the RNLI and HM Coastguard are advising the public not to use inflatables at all and for everyone, especially parents, planning a visit to a beach or the coast to follow this safety advice:


·         Have a plan - check the weather forecast, tide times and read local hazard signage

·         Keep a close eye on your family – on the beach and in the water

·         Don’t allow your family to swim alone

·         Don’t use inflatables

·       If you fall into the water unexpectedly, FLOAT TO LIVE. Fight your instinct to thrash around: lean back, extend your arms and legs, and Float


In an emergency dial 999
and ask for the Coastguard

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Lyme Life
Lyme Regis Lifeboat News
Regular events

 Royal British Legion

Tide Times

Venue Hire
Wind and Weather

Please verify dates and times elsewhere before leaving home

Publicise your charitable activities & events for free - just e-mail submitentry@whatsoninlyme.co.uk  full details/press release etc

This site is independently owned & produced to support and promote the numerous charitable and community events happening in Lyme Regis.  Permission must be requested from publisher@whatsoninlyme.co.uk before any part of this web site is reproduced in any form.  Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that the information in this web site is correct Lyme Regis Diary does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy of the information given or imply any recommendation by the inclusion of any information. Material Copyright © 2020